Thomas, 81

Over the summer, 81-year-old Thomas fell while bending down. The fall resulted in severe lower back pain that left him unable to get out of bed. When the pain would not subside, he visited a local Emergency Department, but his pain medication failed to provide relief. Unclear of his options, Thomas called Resurgens Orthopaedics, and they referred him to TailorCare for screening and care navigation. 

 Once connected to TailorCare, Thomas spoke to a clinical navigator, a licensed physical therapist, who conducted a thorough intake over the phone. Having the ability to ask questions and learn about alternative options is what Thomas liked most when speaking to his clinical navigator.

“You hear all sorts of horror stories about back pain, and I knew this was a serious injury. I didn’t know how to sort it all out. With TailorCare, I felt like I had a patient advocate. It provided an open forum for asking questions and it gave me a sense of control.”

 Ultimately, Thomas felt physical therapy was the best choice for his lower back pain. “You know you are doing things right in physical therapy when you consistently begin to feel better.” 

 TailorCare gave Thomas “knowledge, peace, and a sense of confidence” about his treatment plan decisions.  He was surprised when his clinical navigator explained that she would be doing regular check-in calls, which he says “were pleasant and came at the right times.” With physical therapy complete, Thomas is back to working part-time in a large home improvement store, climbing ladders, and carrying five-gallon buckets with ease. 


This testimonial reflects the TailorCare user’s personal experience. Individual results may vary. We do not guarantee that anyone else will achieve the same results.