Lillie, 88

Life was hectic around Christmas, and 88-year-old Lillie was excited to spend time with her family. However, she suddenly began to feel pain and swelling in her knee, limiting her ability to get around. Determined to enjoy the holidays, Lillie took over-the-counter pain relievers to manage her discomfort.

After the new year, Lillie’s knee pain persisted, casting a shadow over her days. However, a ray of hope appeared when she was introduced to TailorCare’s services, promising a path to relief and comfort.

A Clinical Navigator connected with her to begin the intake process and learn more about her symptoms. After speaking with Lillie and providing her with treatment options, she decided to see an orthopedic provider to get an injection and then schedule with physical therapy. Her Clinical Navigator was able to connect her with a clinic close to home.

Throughout her physical therapy journey, Lillie’s Clinical Navigator was not just a guide but a companion. His regular check-ins were not just routine but “uplifting and encouraging.” Lillie felt valued and important, appreciating his attentive listening and finding comfort in their conversations.

Thanks to physical therapy, Lillie’s quality of life has significantly improved. The new exercises she learned have not just helped her maintain her strength but have also opened doors to activities she once thought were out of reach. The home exercise program allows her to enjoy activities like walking her dog and gardening, filling her days with joy and purpose.

“Getting older can be difficult; I am blessed to be connected to the TailorCare program. My Clinical Navigator told me that if I need anything in the future, I should just pick up the phone and give him a call!”

This testimonial reflects the patient’s personal experience. Individual results may vary. We do not guarantee that anyone else will achieve the same results.